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What We Do:
Education & Outreach

HERO strives to provide education and outreach to the public and utility companies in an effort to increase the public awareness of the potential for EGS power. This includes education to develop competency in the technology as well the economics involved.


  • Publish the results of its research to the general public on a nondiscriminatory basis – via a publicly-accessible website, in scientific journals, at scientific conferences, and through other public outlets.

  • Educate industry, government, and the general public on the importance and viability of establishing alternative sources of energy production and advanced geothermal technologies, and the impacts on the environment and climate change of various forms of energy production.

  • Conduct a public outreach campaign to reach environmental organizations, regulators, legislators, utilities and financial institutions.

  • Produce a series of informational webinars on geothermal energy, EGS technology and the transition of coal to geothermal will be developed and presented.

  • Work with environmental organizations focused on coal plant retirement to reach an understanding of how coal fired generation can transition to geothermal power without loss of jobs or taxes.

  • Develop a education program to transition workers from coal mining and power production to constructing and operating a geothermal plant.

Hotrock Energy Research Organization
4010 Stone Way North Suite 400 | Seattle  WA  98103 | United States

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